Twin Flame Consultation with Joe
Twin Flame Dynamic Focused Session
Service Description
These sessions will be primarily geared towards the twin flame dynamic, with a focus on education and dispelling any false, outdated, distorted, counterproductive and/or unhealthy information, particularly from the New Age community. I primarily will help you to cultivate a healthy, productive approach to both the information and your unique dynamic. We will also focus on releasing and correcting any unhealthy or unproductive thought patterns and emotional energy blocking your growth on your path of merger with the Self. IMPORTANT NOTE: Physical union as touted by the New Age community is NOT and CANNOT be the primary goal in embarking on this journey or pursuing this work. All dynamics are unique and the circumstances and "stages" that ensue may or may not result in a physical relationship with the person you currently perceive to be your counterpart. The goal should be understanding the self, the nature of your dynamic, your life's path, and spiritual growth. Merger with the Self. Physical union can occur as a biproduct of your self work, but is not guaranteed in every case. That being said, some dynamics do in fact result in what we view as a more traditional relationship, but variations and deviations from this standard template are normal as the collective pendulum swings away from the distorted and restricted templates of our past. Please keep this in mind and if you have questions, e-mail me at or book a free consultation.